INTRODUCING - Subtle Words That Sell: How To Get Your Prospects To Convince Themselves To Buy And Add Top Dollars To Your Bottom Line!
Are you tired of the same, worn-out sales scripts, assumed closes, tag questions, and other stale nonsense that no longer work, insult your prospect's intelligence, and make you feel like a schmuck?
If you can already begin to see yourself
- Getting your prospects to convince themselves to buy
- Adding top dollars to your bottom line
- Doing this without resorting to sleazy sales tricks
then grab your copy of Subtle Words That Sell and learn revolutionary and ground-breaking concepts and tools that will change your results forever.

Praise for Speaker Paul Ross
Speaker, Author, Teacher, and Trainer

Boost Your Presentation Persuasion Power Now
Meet Speaker Paul Ross
Speaker, Author, Teacher, and Trainer

Paul Ross is an author, speaker, trainer, Master Hypnotist, and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
For the past 30 years, he’s taught tens of thousands of people the power of language to persuade, sell, heal, turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones, and pain into passion.
Paul’s speeches and trainings have motivated audiences around the world to discover their power to design their own results.
You can discover more about Paul Ross, his work, and his contributions and results by visiting his website,
Experience Your Success Now
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